Swannanoa Heights Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located in the Swannanoa Valley, just east of Asheville, NC.
Our church is easily accessible from Interstate 40. At Swannanoa Heights Baptist Church, we believe that God's Word provides the only solid foundation on which to build our lives. We believe that God has a purpose for every life. That is why we make no apology for teaching and preaching the Bible. At SHBC you can expect to find a warm welcome. You can expect the Bible to be taught and preached as the inerrant and infallible Word of God. You can expect hearty singing of the great hymns of our faith. You can expect music from our choirs, groups, and individuals that honors Christ; preparing the heart for worship and the ministry of the Word of God. You can expect to find a church that holds the faith once delivered to the saints as its sacred heritage.
The families here at SHBC have discovered the joy of being a part of a friendly, Bible-believing church that works hard to meet the needs of every age group. You can expect to find a Bible-teaching Sunday School class for every member of your family. You can expect to find a church family that prays for each others’ needs. You can expect to find a place to serve Christ in the ministry of this local church. You can expect to find a church advancing in the work God has given it to do, both in our community and around the world. Our heart-felt prayer is for you to know Christ and be involved in a church home that cares for you. We invite you to come visit with us at Swannanoa Heights Baptist Church, and allow us to be a blessing to you and your family.