Church History

JUNE 29, 1941 – Sunday School was held in the yard of Mr. & Mrs. Settle at 216 Harrison Street. They made benches of planks for the people to sit on.
December 1941 – A lot was purchased from D. W. Harrison. A deposit of $50.00 was paid down on the lot.
February 1942 – Church was organized with 13 members present. The first Deacons, W. H. Settle and Harry Tweed were ordained. Mr. Bert Buckner ordained as a minister of the Gospel. Mr. J.B. (Pee Wee) Gibson was elected as the first pastor.
February 1958 – The church borrowed $3,500.00 from Swannanoa Bank & Trust Company to build a new church. The new church was built around the old church and the old church was torn down and thrown out through the windows.
December 25, 1958 – The new church building was dedicated to the Lord.
September 9, 1973 – The church purchased a parsonage on 129 Fountain Way.
March 17, 1975 – The Mahaffey wing and fellowship all were dedicated to the Lord.
August 2003 – New addition to the front of the church was added.
Pastors of Swannanoa Heights Baptist Church

J.B. Gibson
Clyde Parham (1942-1945)
Rex Adkins
Tommy Harper
John Crane
John Wright (1948-1965)
Martin Pittman (1965-1969)
Charles Duvall (1969-1980)
B.P. Boyle (1980-2006)
Johnny Wright (2006-2008)
Bruce Robinson (2008-present)